!!!Schwarzenegger in Nepal

!!Celebration of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s birthday in Graz

The 70th birthday of Arnold Schwarzenegger was celebrated in his native city in 
Graz. In 1947 he was born in the little village of Thal northwest of this town, where
nowadays the Schwarzenegger museum is located.

[{Image src='Arni1.jpg' caption='Fig.1: Map folder Mustang 1:50 000, Nepal,Cover with Kagbeni in the Kali Gandaki valley' alt='Nepal' height='250' class='image_left' width='208'}]

[{Image src='Arni2.jpg' caption='Fig.2: Poster of Arnold Schwarzenegger in Kagbeni castle, Photo: Robert Kostka, October 1991' alt='Schwarzenegger' height='250' class='image_right' width='166'}]

He got well known in bodybuilding very early, also in remote regions of our earth, e.g.
in the Mustang District of Nepal (KOSTKA 2004).

The village of Kagbeni in this district is situated at the Kali Gandaki river north of the
8000 meter peaks Dhaulagiri (8172m) and Annapurna (8091m), where in October
1991 research work was done by an international team (POHLE, HAFFNER 2001).

Survey work was carried out there in the remains of the castle with its historic core and
the surrounding courtyard houses. 

In the upper part of the castle a big poster of
Arnold Schwarzenegger was fixed at a wooden door, showing him as a bodybuildingchampion.

In his further life he went to California, studied in Los Angeles, was interested and
active in many fields and was also politically active. He was the 38. Governor of
California. Besides sports and politics he also is known worldwide  in the film

In connection with his social attitude (Special Olympics) the 70 years old
Arnold Schwarzenegger was honoured in March 2017 in Graz with the „International
Josef Krainer Preis (International Josef Krainer award)“ (SCHÖPFER 2017).
*KOSTKA R. (2004), Mustang, Satellite Image Trekking Map, scale 1:200 000. Cartoconsult Austria, Graz.
*POHLE P. & HAFFNER W. (2001), Kagbeni, Contributions to the Villages History and Geography. Giessener Geographische Schriften 77, Gießen.
*SCHÖPFER G. (2017), Ehrung für die „steirische Eiche“. In: Steirische Berichte 2/2017. Steirisches Volksbildungswerk, Graz.

Kindly made available by Robert (Bob) Kostka, TU Graz, as Bob’s News 10:2017

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