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New York Public Library#

New York Public Library
New York Public Library, August 2017, © Gerhard Huber, under CC BY-NC 4.0 +Edu

Es existieren aber auch Plätze in New York, die absolute Ruhe versprechen. Man findet sie in den großen Bibliotheken der Stadt. Der Beaux Art-Prachtbau der Public Library bietet viel Marmor, prachtvolle Kassettendecken, imposante Lesesäle und über 50 Millionen Medien, darunter 9 Millionen Bücher.
But there are also places in New York that promise dead calm. You can find them in the major libraries of the city. The Public Library's Beaux-Art showpiece features plenty of marble, grand coffered ceilings, imposing reading rooms and more than 50 million media including 9 million books.