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unbekannter Gast

Town gate and fortification of Bam#

Photo ©Hasso Hohmann, 1973

The town of Bam Bam, Iran was almost completely built just with clay and clay bricks. It seems to be proven that there was a settlement continuously for approximately 4500 years. After 1973 many of the eroded houses were repaired and again used for living purposes and as shops for tourists.

In 2003 the town inside and outside the fortification was nearly completely distroyed by a very strong earthquake. 43.000 inhabitants died, 30.000 were wounded. As a UNESCO-World-Cultural-Heritage the old town will be carefully reconstructed using old photos and plans of its former architecture.

Diese fast ausschließlich aus Lehm gebaute Stadt blickt auf eine etwa 4500 jährige Geschichte zurück. 2003 wurde die Stadt durch ein heftiges Erdbeben fast völlig zerstört – es gab mehr als 43.000 Tote. Als Weltkulturerbe soll sie nach alten Plänen originalgetreu wieder aufgebaut werden.