!!!Lena pillars in summer

Photos by Stas Sedov,
member of the [AirPano Team|Geography/About/Consortium/AirPano,_Team] that is a member of the [global-geography Consortium|Geography/About/Consortium]. \\

22 July 2022

with kind permission of [AirPano|http://www.AirPano.com]

National park Lena Pillars

In Yakutia, on the banks of the Lena River, you can find the Lena
Pillars Nature Park. It was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List
for its uniqueness, and it is a familiar name to all nature lovers and
travelers. However, the park includes two types of "pillars": not only
the Lena Pillars, but also the Sinyaya Pillars. The AirPano team did a
shooting here, and this photo walk will allow you to appreciate their
scale and magnificence.

[{Image src='01_Lena.jpg' caption='National park Lena Pillars\\© [AirPano|https://www.AirPano.com]' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='506'}]

The Lena Pillars flank the river for 40 km (25 mi). Being up to 200 m
(656 ft) high, they resemble a stone forest or a Gothic castle with
sharp spires. With erosion, weathering, crustal movement, and drastic
changes in temperature, nature has creatively shaped the Cambrian
limestones to form this impregnable wall over millions of years!

[{Image src='02_Lena.jpg' caption='Reflections\\© [AirPano|https://www.AirPano.com]' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='599'}]

Paleontologists have found bones of mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses and
other prehistoric animals in the area, and archaeologists continue to
study the site of ancient people, their tools, jewelry and rock
paintings. No wonder the Lena Pillars are shrouded in legends. The
locals consider them frozen deities: they are still, waiting for their
time, so that one day they can return to people and teach them how to
live in harmony with nature. Another story is about a dragon that was
fought by a young warrior to save a beautiful girl. The dragon was
almost defeated, but at the last moment hit the ground with its tail and
turned everything around into stone. Finally, the Yakuts have a story
about a Bigfoot living here - they call him "Ulmesh". He can attack
hunters, or he can help them.

[{Image src='03_Lena.jpg' caption='Above Lena river\\© [AirPano|https://www.AirPano.com]' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='599'}]

The Lena Pillars are beautiful at any time of the year - each creates
its own atmosphere, adds its own colorful touches, and when winter
comes, the fluffy blanket of snow gives the Lena Pillars a particularly
mysterious aspect. The neighboring Sinyaya Pillars are also famous for
their fogs - we'll tell you about them on our next virtual journeys!

[{Image src='04_Lena.jpg' caption='Birds eye view\\© [AirPano|https://www.AirPano.com]' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='470'}]

The Sinyaya Pillars were named after the Sinyaya River, a tributary of
the Lena River. They are as beautiful as the Lena Pillars, and their
reflections in the morning silence are especially spectacular. Arches,
stone bridges and red sandstone towers are bizarre formations that make
it hard to believe that it was nature, and not some eccentric architect,
that created them.

[{Image src='05_Lena.jpg' caption='Panoramic view of Lena Pillars national park\\© [AirPano|https://www.AirPano.com]' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='350'}]

During the day, depending on the light, the Sinyaya Pillars look
different, and during the fog season, they turn into a fairy-tale
fortress. They are most often shrouded by fogs in the fall, but AirPano
cameramen got lucky, and you can see July fog-covered pillars.

[{Image src='06_Lena.jpg' caption='Lena pillars reflections\\© [AirPano|https://www.AirPano.com]' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='507'}]

As is the case with many nature parks, getting to the Lena Pillars and
Sinyaya Pillars is not easy. You can't do without a boat, and as for the
Sinyaya River, due to its shallow depth, you can only travel there in
kayaks or water jets. Our virtual tour makes it easier and will probably
encourage you to see this beauty for yourself!

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[13 panoramas of Lena pillars in summer|Geography/Asia/Russia/Pictures/Lena-pillars-summer]

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