!!!Golden Ring of Russia, Ivanovo

by Sergey Shandin and Stas Sedov,
members of the [AirPano Team|Geography/About/Consortium/AirPano,_Team] that is a member of the [global-geography Consortium|Geography/About/Consortium]. \\

16 June 2015

with kind permission of [AirPano|http://www.AirPano.com]

Ivanovo stands out among other cities included in the Golden Ring of
Russia. In the first place, it is famous for its revolutionary history,
theatres, educational institutes and industry. Being the textile capital
of Russia, Ivanovo is sometimes called the "Russian Manchester". In
spite of the fact that the number of ancient churches and monasteries is
not large, the reason for including this "Calico fabric land" in the the
Golden Ring of Russia was its urban architecture which was formed at the
time of the urban development and considered to be the genuine monument
of culture and history.

[{Image src='01_Vvedensky monastery.jpg' caption='Vvedensky monastery' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='574'}]

The first mention of Ivanovo in chronicles is dated 1561, and then in
the 17th century the first Russian textile enterprises were established
here. Calico fabrics of Ivanovo quickly became popular not only within
the country, but all over the world as well. Only in 1871 Ivanovo
applied for the city status; by this time it had developed in a large
advanced settlement. One by one many wealthy manufacturers built their
own estates focusing on the best metropolitan samples and not sparing
any money. Many luxurious materials were used in the process of
construction: marble, rare species of wood, bronze.

[{Image src='02_Monument.jpg' caption='Monument' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='599'}]

It was at this period of time that the unique look of Ivanovo began to
form: the combination of rich mansions and strict brick buildings of
textile enterprises. Ancient buildings in Ivanovo were created in
different architectural styles, beginning with classicism and ending
with modernism. Even the "Italian Palazzo" can be found there: this
building was erected in 1914 on demand of the manufacturer, patron and
connoisseur of ancient things, Dmitry Grigorievich Burlykin. Now this
building hosts the Museum of Industry and Art.

In the beginning of the 20th century Saint-Vvedensky monastery was
built; it is one of the very few temple complexes that has remained till
nowadays (the reason can be the KGB archive which occupied this building
for many years). Unfortunately, many other churches in Ivanovo were
destroyed after the 1917 revolution.

[{Image src='03_Factory of paper products.jpg' caption='Factory of paper products' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='572'}]

However, the Soviet period has made its own contribution to the list of
the landmarks of Ivanovo. In the 1930s several buildings which became
the bright examples of the constructivism style were built in Ivanovo.
One of them is famous "Ship-house", a five-storey building which has a
splay gable facade and a "stern" — an eight-storey tower on the opposite
side of the building. Little balconies with concrete railings resemble
bridges and two rows of bigger balconies look like decks. The
glass-fronted ground floor creates the feeling of a building flying
above the ground. If you stand right at the "rostrum" you will have a
feeling that the "ship" is moving towards you.

[{Image src='04_Annunciation Monastery. Dunilovo.jpg' caption='Annunciation Monastery. Dunilovo' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='397'}]

The other examples of the Soviet Constructivism are the "Horseshoe
building", the building of Selkhoz-bank, the Drama Theatre, the railway
terminal, the "Central" hotel, the school building with an
observatory-tower and many other apartment buildings.

An ancient village is situated about 40 kilometers from Ivanovo. Its
name is Dunilovo and it has managed to preserve its temple complexes.
Moreover, Dunilovo has never been a city, but there are at least ten
temples on a limited territory among woods and fields.

[{Image src='05_City center, Uvod River.jpg' caption='City center, Uvod River' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='624'}]

The village was founded on the right shore of the Teza River — at the
crossroad of ancient trade routes (this was the place of intersection of
three main roads coming from Suzdal, Shuya and Nizhniy Novgorod). This
convenient location contributed to the development of local trade and
holding trade-fairs; wealthy lavish merchants spared no expenses to
build different temples. The largest ones are the Church of all Saints,
the Church of the Intersection of Holy Mother of God, Saint-Uspensky and
Annunciation monasteries. The latter hosts the most ancient church of
Dunilovo (1675).

We hope that our virtual tour will help you to get inspired with the
charm of both past and present, traditions and progress, which are
represented in this region in the surprising combination.

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[13 Panoramas of Ivanovo|Geography/Asia/Russia/Pictures/Panoramas_of_Golden_Ring_of_Russia_(Ivanovo)]

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