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Landscape near Seljalandsfoss#

Landscape near Seljalandsfoss
Landscape near Seljalandsfoss, July 2008, © Gerhard Huber, under CC BY-NC 4.0 +Edu

The first stage into the south of Iceland leads to the storm-tossed Cape Dyrhólaey Dyrhólaey, Iceland , firmly in the grip of Iceland's birdlife. On the way there, a detour to impressive waterfalls like the Seljalandsfoos and Skogarfoss is worth the effort.
Die erste Etappe in den Süden Islands führt bis zum sturmumtosten Kap Dyrhólaey Dyrhólaey, Iceland , das sich fest in Besitz von Islands Vogelwelt befindet. Unterwegs lohnen Abstecher zu imposanten Wasserfällen wie dem Seljalandsfoos und dem Skogarfoss.