!!!Impressions of Piran

Piran (italienisch Pirano) [{GoogleMap location='Piran,Slovenien' zoom='10'}]nahe Portoroz ist eine Stadt im äußersten Südwesten Sloweniens an der Küste des Adriatischen Meeres. Mit ihrer Lage, ihrer Altstadt und venezianischen Architektur ist die Stadt an der Slowenischen Riviera eines der bekanntesten Touristenzentren Sloweniens und ein der drei Küstrenstädte Sloveniens (Piran, Izola, Koper). 
Piran ( Italian: Pirano )[{GoogleMap location='Piran,Slovenia' zoom='10'}] is a town in southwestern Slovenia on the Gulf of Piran on the Adriatic Sea. It is one of the three major coastal towns of Slovenia (Piran, Izola, Koper). The town has much medieval architecture, with narrow streets and compact houses. Piran is one of Slovenia's major tourist attractions. Until the mid-20th century, Italian was the dominant language.

[{Image src='UTH_Piran-0001.jpg' caption='© [Ulf Thausing|http://www.grazerfotoschule.at] 2017' alt='Piran' width='1000' class='image_block' height='669'}]
[{Image src='UTH_Piran-0002.jpg' caption='© [Ulf Thausing|http://www.grazerfotoschule.at] 2017' alt='Piran' width='1000' class='image_block' height='583'}]
[{Image src='UTH_Piran-0003.jpg' caption='© [Ulf Thausing|http://www.grazerfotoschule.at] 2017' alt='Piran' width='1000' class='image_block' height='637'}]
[{Image src='UTH_Piran-0004.jpg' caption='© [Ulf Thausing|http://www.grazerfotoschule.at] 2017' alt='Piran' width='1000' class='image_block' height='266'}]
[{Image src='UTH_Piran-0005.jpg' caption='© [Ulf Thausing|http://www.grazerfotoschule.at] 2017' alt='Piran' width='1000' class='image_block' height='1498'}]
[{Image src='UTH_Piran-0007.jpg' caption='© [Ulf Thausing|http://www.grazerfotoschule.at] 2017' alt='Piran' width='1000' class='image_block' height='1498'}]
[{Image src='UTH_Piran-0008.jpg' caption='© [Ulf Thausing|http://www.grazerfotoschule.at] 2017' alt='Piran' width='1000' class='image_block' height='1498'}]
[{Image src='UTH_Piran-0009.jpg' caption='© [Ulf Thausing|http://www.grazerfotoschule.at] 2017' alt='Piran' width='1000' class='image_block' height='947'}]
[{Image src='UTH_Piran-0010.jpg' caption='© [Ulf Thausing|http://www.grazerfotoschule.at] 2017' alt='Piran' width='1000' class='image_block' height='549'}]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff=' ' Kontrolle='Nein'}]