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Hana Vave on the island of Fatu Hiva#

Fatu (H)iva (the "H" is not pronounced) is the southernmost island of the Marquesas Islands. The eastern coastline of Fatu Hiva has a number of narrow valleys, with high ridges separating them. The western coastline has two significant bays, Hana Vave (or Hanavave) in the north, one of the most picturesque sites in the South Pacific, and the harbor of Omoa near the south.
Fatu Hiva
Fatu Hiva, local Fatu Iva
Fatu Hiva
Rain forest. Photo by MakeMake from Wikipedia, under CC BY-SA 3.0

All pictures following are from Hana Vave and vicinity.

Hana Vave
Hana Vave. Photo: H. Horizonte
Hana Vave
Hana Vave. Photo: H. Horizonte
Hana Vave
Hana Vave. Photo: H. Horizonte
Hana Vave
Hana Vave. Photo: H. Horizonte
Hana Vave
Hana Vave. Photo: H. Horizonte
Hana Vave
Hana Vave. Photo: H. Horizonte
Hana Vave
Hana Vave. Photo: H. Horizonte
Hana Vave
Hana Vave. Photo: H. Horizonte
Hana Vave
Hana Vave. Photo: H. Horizonte

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