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Steiner, Walter#

* 31. 3. 1946

Ao.Univ.-Prof.i.R. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. tit.Univ.-Prof. Walter Steiner


Professor Steiner

Petersgasse 12/I
A-8010 Graz

Tel. +43 316 873 8420
Fax +43 316 873 8434

6510 - Institut für Biotechnologie und Bioprozeßtechnik

Technische Universität Graz

Curriculum vitae#

Name: Walter STEINER
Birthday: 31 March 1946
Place of birth: Schärding / Inn, Oberösterreich
Country: Austria

Marital status: married, 3 children
Primary school: 1952 - 1956 Volksschule Ottensheim, O.Ö.
Secondary school: 1956 -1965 Humanistisches Gymnasium Wilhering, O.Ö.

University education and career: #

1965 - 1973 Study: “Technical Chemistry”, Technical University of Graz
9.3.1973 Diploma degree “Diplomingenieur” in Technical Chemistry
1973 -1974 Assistant at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Techn. Univ. Graz
1974 - 1988 Assistant at the Department of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Waste Treatment,Techn. Univ. Graz
28.6.1980 Doctoral degree, Dr. techn. (Equivalent to PhD) with honours in Biotechnology, TU- Graz
1982 Postdoc at the “National Institute of Chemistry”, Ljubljana, Slovenia
25.5.1988 Habilitation or Venia legendi in Biotechnology, Academic lecturer/reader, Degree of a “University Docent”
4.10.1988 Associate Professor
Since 1988 Member of the board of directors of the Austrian Society for Biotechnology
1988-1994 Local Branch Leader of the Austrian Society for Biotechnology
Since 1991 Austrian Delegate at the European Federation of Biotechnology (ESAB), Working Party “Applied Biocatalysis”
1992 - 1994 Vice-President of the Austrian Society for Biotechnology
1.9.1994 a. o. Univ. Professor
since 18.9 1995 Honorary Member of the “ National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia, Ljubljana
1996-1998 Member of the Senate of the University
1994 -1997 President of the Austrian Society for Biotechnology
1997-1999 Vice-President of the Austrian Society for Biotechnology
1.10.2000 - Head of the Department (Institut für 31.12.2004 Biotechnologie)
1.1.2005 Vice-Head of the Department (Institut für Biotechnologie und Bioprozeßtechnik)
Since 2008 Member of the Scientific Board and Honorary Member of the “SZI Dunaj/Wien - Slovenski znanstveni institute”
Since 1.11.2009 retired

Further Information#

Univ.Prof. Walter Steiner was also head of the “Enzyme - Technology” group in the department of Biotechnology at the Graz University of Technology. In addition to teaching Biotechnology, Biochemical Engineering, Enzyme Technology, Wood Protection, Process Control and Optimisation in Biotechnology at the Graz University of Technology, he is appointed as external examiner and teacher at several Universities abroad and member of the Editorial Board of several scientifically recognized journals. (Advances in Biochemical Engineering Biotechnology, J. Biotechnology, Engineering in Life Sciences, Chemical & Engineering Technology, Acta Chimica Slovenica, Food Technology and Biotechnology,….).

He is evaluator in different national and international activities including EC projects. He was acting as grant holder in the Tempus -Joint project "New curriculum models for educating food engineers" (JEP-40065-2005). He is Member of the scientific reference group of the EC-project: “Reinforcing Georgian international cooperation capacities in the field of Food and Biotechnologies”.

His research is focused on “Enzymes involved in the degradation of natural biopolymers”, “Enzymes for enhanced biogas(methane) production” on “Enzymes in Pulp and Paper Industries” on “Isolation and Characterization of Starch-phosphorylases”, in “Biofunctionalization of Polymers” and on Enzymes involved in the Biodegradation of Environmentally Difficult-degradable Compounds as well as on “Enzymes from Extremophiles” and on “Biocatalysis and Biotransformations”.

He has organized several scientific Meetings, Symposia and Summer Schools.

More than 150 publications in refereed journals, 5 patents, over 200 lectures and posters, several other contributions in books, etc. show his scientific record and activities.

Stand: 2014

Ehrenamtliche Mitarbeit am Austria-Forum als Mitglied des Editorial Boards#

Walter Steiner hat viel wichtige Kontakte geknüpft. Er hat aber auch ein Buch über seine Heimatstadt selbst beigetragen und andere vermittelt.


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