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Sporadisches: Tesserakt Board#

(Albumblatt #4)#

von Martin Krusche

Conference on „Shared (in-)Competencies/Geteilte (in-)Kompetenzen“ (Graz 2020), january the 25th 2019. Our basic area, the Metahofpark at Babenbergerstraße 10, Graz, is part of the 4th District called Lend.

The Gleisdorf-Connection.
The Gleisdorf-Connection.
Winter by Bus, close to Graz.
Winter by Bus, close to Graz.
The word Lend comes from landing the rafts on the river Mur. Till railway was built, bulk goods only could be shipped on waterways. It was impossible to make it with horse drawn carriages. And it was very tiring to travel by carriage. They called it Marterkasten = torturing box. Riding a horse was the fastes way to cross country, if there were a road, inns and horse stations.

On location: sakura means cherry blossom.
On location: sakura means cherry blossom.
Milan Bosnic from diSTRUKTURA.
Milan Bosnic from diSTRUKTURA.
Kaiser Karl VI., austrian emperor, was responsible for the building of five special roads and the expansion of the postal system. One of these roads called Kommerzstraßen (also Kaiserstraßen) led through the districts Lend an Gries. It was the connection between the capital Vienna and the harbour of Triest as an important access to the sea. You still can find parts of this route, in Graz named Alte Poststraße = Old Mail Road.

Tanja Tanja Vujinovic (left) and Mirjana Peitler-Selakov.
Tanja Tanja Vujinovic (left) and Mirjana Peitler-Selakov.
Alex Saric
Alex Saric
This area ist called Murvorstadt, combining the name of the river Mur with Vorstadt = suburb. It is a commercial area and industrial zone over centuries. As water was the most important power source, a mill canal was built in the 13th century, namend Mühlgang, as the name says: to run mills.

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"Shared (in) Competencies: The project would like to perform share of diverse (in-)competences of different groups using diverse (transdisciplinary) methods and strategies in order to search for the possible answer why still the girls and young women are less interested in topics coming from technics or natural sciences which results in the less female studying and also practicing the jobs in these areas." (Mirjana Peitler-Selakov) | (Some days before)