!!!Albrecht V. als deutscher König Albrecht II

b. Vienna, Aug. 10, 1397, 
d. Neszmely near Esztergom (Hungary), Oct. 27, 1439, son of  Albrecht 
IV; Duke of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia and German King. 1411 
declared of age by the Estates, though only in his fifteenth year, 
1422 married Elisabeth, daughter of Emperor Sigismond (also King of 
Hungary and Bohemia), 1437 crowned King of Hungary, 1438 King of 
Germany and King of Bohemia. First in the line of Habsburg emperors 
(until 1740). Supported the reform of Austrian monasteries ("Melker 
Reform"), in 1421 expelled the Jews from Vienna, fought Hussites and 
Turks. His son  Ladislaus Postumus was born after his death.

G. Hoedl, Albrecht II., Koenigtum, Reichsregierung und 
Reichsreform 1438-1439, 1978.

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