!!!Amsterdam, Vertrag von

Amsterdam, Treaty of, signed at Amsterdam on October 2, 1997, entered 
into force on May 1, 1999 as a revision of the basic treaties of the  
European Union in a variety of fields: In the area of freedom, 
security and justice more emphasis is put on human rights and 
fundamental freedoms as well as the protection of personal data; the  
Schengen Agreement becomes part of the Amsterdam Treaty; internal 
security and the fight against crime are to be improved by more 
intensive cooperation among member states' authorities and a 
broadening of the terms of reference of Europol, the European Central 
Criminal Investigation Office. The European Union is to be brought 
closer to its citizens by a variety of measures, including the 
coordination of members' employment strategies designed to promote a 
high level of employment, the fight against social discrimination, the 
implementation of the principles of equal opportunity and equality of 
treatment, consideration of environmental protection requirements in 
connection with all political measures, improvement of public health, 
intensification of the fight against drug abuse, protection and 
promotion of cultural diversity, improved protection of animals, and 
greater transparency of EU institutions. Changes in the EU's Common 
Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) concern not only institutional 
measures (establishment of the position of High Representative for the 
CFSP to assist the EU Council and Chairmanship, improvements in the 
decision-making process) but in particular intensified cooperation 
between EU and the Western European Union (WEU) and a greater 
commitment to humanitarian and peace-keeping activities and crisis 
management. The Treaty provides for the following institutional 
changes: extension of the terms of reference of the European 
Parliament, broader powers for the Chairman of the Commission, the 
European Court of Justice and the Court of Auditors and, prior to the 
planned enlargement of the European Union, adaptation and 
democratisation of its organs (including majority decisions).

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