!!!Welzl, Emo

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Studied Computer Science in Graz, finnishing with a Ph.D. He was appointed Professor in Berlin when only 28 years old! In 1996 he accepted a  Full Professorship of Computer Science at the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science of the ETH Zurich. He was also involved in high administrative posttions and retired as professor (but not as researcher) end of 2023. \\
__Fields of Scholarship__:\\
foundations of computer science\\
algorithms and data structures\\
computational geometry and applications\\
combinatorial models for optimization\\
analysis of geometric structures\\
randomized methods\\
discrete geometry\\
__For more information and contact__:\\
See his area of [Member of the Academia Europaea|http://www.ae-info.org/ae/User/Welzl_Emo]\\
[Sein Abschiedsinterview (Interview at begin of retirement)|https://www.nid-library.com/Home/ViewBook/2145]\\

[{Metadata Suchbegriff=' Welzl, Emo, ETH' Uni='ETH' Kontrolle='Nein'}]