!!!Bäuerle, Adolf eigentlich Johann Andreas, Pseudonym Friedrich zur Linde, Otto Horn, J. H. Fels

b. Vienna, April 9, 1786, 
d. Basle (Switzerland), Sept. 20, 1859, writer, master of Viennese 
popular plays and popular comedies. Along with J. A.  Gleich and 
K.  Meisl he was one of the "big three" of the  Altwiener Volkstheater 
and a forerunner of F.  Raimund. Created the typical Viennese novel. 
In "The Citizens of Vienna" ("Die Buerger in Wien", 1813) he created 
with the umbrella maker  Staberl a character that outshone the 
hitherto widely popular buffoon characters of  Hanswurst and  Kasperl. 
Published the Wiener "Theaterzeitung" (Vienna Theatre 
Newspaper) from 1806 to 1859.

Komisches Theater, 6 vols., 1820-1826; F. Raimund, 
3 vols., 1853; T. Krones, 1854; Aus den Geheimnissen eines Wr. 
Advocaten, 1854; Memoiren, 1858. - Edition: Werke, 2 vols., 

O. Rommel, Die Alt-Wr. Volkskomoedie, 1952; R. Reuter, 
Lexikalische Studien zum Dialekt im Wr. Volksstueck vor Nestroy, 1998: 

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