!!!Bad Häring

Bad Haering, Tirol, municipality in the district of Kufstein, alt. 
590 m, pop. 2,197, area 9.28 km%%sup 2/%, bi-seasonal 
tourism (especially summer tourism, 124,657 overnight stays) situated 
on the right slope of the Unterinn valley; "Bad" (spa) since 1964; 
job-preparation centre (training centre for young people), therapy 
centre (since 1558 the sulphur spring has been heated by the gases of 
a mine fire in the disused lignite mine), rehabilitation centre of the 
Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (General Accident Insurance 
Agency), Provincial woodland garden, metal foundry, weaving, machine 
building, exploitation of lime marl for cement production. In the town 
centre, late Gothic parish church (first documentary mention 1397) 
that was altered in the Baroque style in 1732, St. Anthony chapel 

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