!!!Bad Sankt Leonhard im Lavanttal

Bad Sankt Leonhard im Lavanttal, Carinthia, town in the district of 
Wolfsberg, chartered 1325, alt. 714 m, pop. 5,002, area 111.74 
km%%sup 2/%, Alpine climatic health resort and spa town in the Upper 
Lavant Valley at the foot of the Packalpe Mountain, north of 
Wolfsberg. Therapy centre with medicinal bath (radioactive sulphur 
spring, treatment of rheumatic diseases and sciatica), Preblau carbon 
dioxide fountain (medicinal water for treatment of bladder and renal 
disease,  Prebl) 7 km south of Bad Sankt Leonhard, commercial 
school; wood processing, production of abrasives and containers, 
coupler technology, tourism (32,085 overnight stays). Flourished from 
14%%sup th/%  to 16%%sup th/%  centuries due to mining of precious 
metals. Iron ore mining discontinued in 1876. Gothic parish church 
(1320-1380) with iron St. Leonhard chain (1910-12), more than 130 
stained glass panels (1340-1350), winged altar-piece (1513), Lenten 
veil (around 1520), wooden Madonna (around 1330), fresco from the 
16%%sup th/%  century, high altar (around 1640) and Rococo pulpit 
(1779), early Gothic ossuary (around 1400); remains of the town wall 
(14%%sup th/%  century); Virgin Mary column (1732), ruin of the 
fortress Gomarn (around 1300, with keep and hall); Ehrenfels 
Renaissance palace (14%%sup th/%  century, altered 16%%sup th/%  
century, renovated 1945 after bomb damage). Houses from the 
16%%sup th/%  and 17%%sup th/%  centuries form a harmonious ensemble 
on the main square.

H. Priebernig, Kur- und Erholungszentrum 
Bad Sankt Leonhard, Kaernten, master´s thesis, Vienna 

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