!!!Bauer, Otto

b. Vienna, Sept. 5, 1881, 
d. Paris (France), July 4, 1938, Social Democrat. Theoretician and 
speaker of the Austro-Marxist movement  Austro-Marxism, 1918/19 Under 
Secretary of foreign affairs, after the death of V.  Adler 
Staatssekretaer of foreign affairs; considerable contribution to 
drawing up the Austrian Constitution of 1920. Leader of the left-wing, 
radical group of the Social Democratic Party and champion of the 
Austrian movement for unification with Germany. From 1907 editor of 
the Austrian daily  "Arbeiterzeitung"; 1926 formulated the Social 
Democrat manifesto in the  Linz Programme. 1934 was among the leaders 
of the  February 1934 Uprising, in the aftermath of which he fled to 
Bruenn (Brno), where he founded and headed the Austrian 
Socialists´ office in exile. With the German invasion of 
Czechoslovakia (ČSR) he fled to Paris.

Die Nationalitaetenfrage und die Soz.-Dem., 1907; Der Weg zum 
Sozialismus, 1919; Bolschewismus oder Soz.-Dem., 1920; Die 
oesterreichische Revolution, 1923; Soz.-dem. Agrarpolitik, 1926; 
Soz.-Dem., Religion und Kirche, 1927; Kapitalismus und Sozialismus 
nach dem Weltkrieg, 1931; Zwischen zwei Weltkriegen, 1937. - Editor: 
Der Kampf, 1907 ff.

J. Braunthal, O. B., 1961; G. Kaltenbrunner, Die 
politische Theorie O. B. und ihre Umsetzung in die Praxis anhand 
von Beispielen, 1992; OeBL; NDB.

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