
Architecture: The development of architecture in Austria was to a 
large extent determined by the cultural and geographic conditions in 
the country. In Austria, architectural principles were taken over from 
Italy and the German-speaking areas as well as from the France. The 
integration process had different outcomes in the different parts of 
the country, and in some epochs works of global significance were 
created. One characteristic of Austrian architecture is the synthesis 
of architectural concepts. This is reflected in the fact that in 
Austria, in comparison with other European countries, the periods 
between two architectural styles are generally prolonged and have 
gained a significance of their own. This was especially so in the 
first half of the 16%%sup th/%  century and around 1800. Major 
architectural works and styles were created by all social classes: The 
clergy built churches and monasteries, the nobility constructed 
castles, palaces and town residences, the bourgeoisie erected town and 
country houses, the peasantry developed regional types of farmhouses, 
and, finally, council houses were built in the time between the two 
World Wars to serve the needs of the labourers.

Earliest examples of construction in Austria have been preserved from 
the 2%%sup nd/%  century A.D. There are remains of a Roman town in 
Carnuntum and at Magdalensberg Mountain, and some smaller, 
pre-Romanesque places of worship have also been preserved. 
Pre-Romanesque structures are rare, because wood construction 
prevailed at those times, and the old cathedral of the town of 
Salzburg was pulled down to create space for new structures.

In the  Romanesque period (from the 11%%sup th/%  century onward), 
building began to flourish in Austria, which was due to the growing 
importance of the land under the Babenberg rulers. Castles, 
monasteries and churches were the main building projects. Most 
Austrian castles that exist to date were built in that period, and 
although many were altered in the late Middle Ages and the modern 
period, old parts have been preserved in many instances, such as 
keeps, chapels or the main residential tract. Monasteries were 
constructed either in the Benedictine or in the Cistercian tradition. 
Early church buildings frequently followed the basilica plan with 
three naves and with apses but without vaults. Only few large 
structures have been preserved, such as the cathedral in Gurk, but 
there are a great number of village churches (usually with one nave 
only) with a square chancel and a dominant tower. A special category 
of church are fortified churches, which were equipped with defensive 
walls for protection of the rural population. A typical structure to 
be found in Austria is the ossuary, with either a round or a polygonal 
base (e.g. in the towns of Tulln, Hartberg).

The transition to the  Gothic style took place slowly in the 
13%%sup th/%  century, and it occurred first in the Babenberg marches. 
Architects directly took over French forms (e.g. the Capella Speciosa 
in Klosterneuburg). It was again the Cistercians who played a leading 
role, as was demonstrated with the construction of hall-type chancels 
in the monasteries of Heiligenkreuz and Lilienfeld. The new style 
spread only slowly to other parts of the country, with the Mendicant 
Orders playing a leading role. The main agents of the new 
architectural ideas, were, however, the lodges of craftsmen and 
masters ( Building Lodge). The lodge involved in the construction of 
St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna was the chief body of 
churchbuilders in Austria. It erected churches in the provinces of 
Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Styria.

The transition from massive Romanesque construction to Gothic skeleton 
construction was completed in the 14%%sup th/%  century. High Gothic 
religious buildings are characterised by lofty interior spaces of 
great height, created through the use of very slim supportive and 
weight-carrying piers that are decorated with columns and pilasters 
(ribbing). A projecting system of buttresses and flying buttresses 
projects weight outward. It carries the weight of the vaults and 
leaves the interior walls quasi de-materialised. Later on, the 
Romanesque basilica plan was gradually abandoned in favour of 
structures showing strong tendencies toward a single room plan: The 
classical basilica (characterised by different height of nave and 
aisles, with the nave having its own windows) was superseded by an 
intermediary type of church with a windowless nave and aisles of 
different height and subsequently by the hall church. Accordingly, the 
extreme exploitation of the vertical line was followed by rooms laid 
out in a more horizontal plan in the 15%%sup th/%  century (late 
Gothic period). The overflowing abundance of architectural forms is 
visible in the decoration of windows and portals and in intricate 
vault forms such as stellar and net vaults and flying ribs. Austria 
played a significant role in the construction of towers in those 
times. The Gothic tower on the south transept of St. Stephen's 
Cathedral in Vienna, for example, is exemplary in Europe. Interesting 
polygonal spires can be seen in the church of Maria am Gestade in 
Vienna, in the pilgrim church of Judendorf-Strassengel and in the 
parish church of Steyr.

During the late medieval times, the nobility enlarged their castles, 
which became fairly complex, while the rise of the burghers led to 
increased building activity in the towns. Numerous Austrian towns have 
Gothic structures at their centre (e.g. Steyr, Krems, Bruck an der 
Mur, Innsbruck, Feldkirch).

There are very few religious buildings in the  Renaissance style in 
Austria, as this style was mainly advocated by the Catholic Imperial 
Court and its adherents, while Protestants were reluctant to accept 
the new architectural ideas. From the 16%%sup th/%  century on, 
Renaissance principles, coming from Italy, first permeated the 
southern areas of the country (examples are Porcia Palace in Spittal 
an der Drau and the Landhaus residence in Graz). Later they spread 
further north, where the style was strongly influenced by traditions 
from the German Laender. The assimilation of the new style was 
frequently restricted to isolated elements which were subject to 
independent architectural interpretation, especially in the case of 
burgher's residences. This was mainly the case with columns and 
arcades and can be seen in arcaded courts in the Wachau region and in 
the area south of Vienna. As the façades were remodelled, the 
aspect of the cities, formerly dominated by gabled town houses, also 
underwent changes. The Renaissance style played an important role in 
the construction of fortifications, castles and palaces. This was true 
for new edifices as well as for the modernisation of existing medieval 

The  Baroque style spread through all of Austria in the course of the 
Counter-Reformation. The first precursor of Baroque architecture north 
of the Alps is seen in the cathedral of Salzburg, which was erected 
from 1614 on and was directly influenced by Italian architectural art 
of that time. The major role in spreading the Baroque style 
(17%%sup th/%  century) was, however, played by the Jesuits 
(wall-pillar churches in Innsbruck, Vienna, Leoben, Linz) and by 
visiting Italian architects.

The victory over the Turks near Vienna (1683) caused a considerable 
increase in building in Austria, and numerous church, prestige and 
residential buildings from that period still dominate the picture of 
many Austrian towns and villages. Austria was lucky to have a number 
of highly qualified architects when she regained her position as a 
major power in Europe and enjoyed a period of economic prosperity. 
Amongst the architects who were to leave their marks on Austrian 
architecture for a long time to come, is J. B. Fischer von 
Erlach, whose work displays strong Italian influences and who was 
active in Salzburg (Holy Trinity Church and Collegiate Church) and in 
Vienna (Schwarzenberg Palace and St. Charles' Church). Other 
representatives are J. L. von Hildebrandt, who was trained in 
Rome and created one of Austria´s most significant palaces, the 
Belvedere in Vienna, J. Prandtauer, whose main achievement was the 
construction of monasteries (Melk, St. Florian), M. Steinl, who 
worked in several artistic fields and as an academy professor 
influenced the following generation of architects (Duernstein and 
Zwettl). Somewhat later there was also J. Munggenast (Altenburg 
monastery). In the province of Upper Austria, the main Baroque 
architect was J. M. Prunner (Stadl-Paura), in Tirol the Gumpp 
family had a decisive influence on Baroque architecture, and in Styria 
the style saw a late peak in the middle of the 18%%sup th/%  century 
owing to J. G. Stengg and J. Hueber. Architecture in the age of

  Enlightenment and Romanticism in Austria was initially promoted by 
artists trained in France (I. Canevale, C. de Moreau, L. Montoyer). 
Later on, markedly bourgeois variations of the style developed, 
especially in the style of interior decoration ( Biedermeier) that was 
considered exemplary for a long time. The chief Biedermeier architect 
was J. Kornhaeusel. Late Classicistic style was markedly sober and 
functional. Representative structures are various administration 
buildings built under the rule of Franz I. The bareness of the style 
was broken in the middle of the 19%%sup th/%  century through the use 
of small ornaments that had developed from the historical repertoire 
of forms (Romantic  Historicism). At the same time, heterogeneous 
motifs were freely combined (Vienna Opera House by A. Sicard von 
Sicardsburg and E. van der Nuell), while later stylistic purity was 
desired (strict Historicism). The Vienna Ringstrasse boulevard is a 
so-called Gesamtkunstwerk in townscaping (a "total work of art" in 
which architecture expresses a dominant idea) created by important 
foreign (T. von Hansen, G. Semper, F. von Schmidt) and local (H. 
von Ferstel, C. von Hasenauer) architects. Historicism was superseded 
by architecture that was determined by function and new materials. The 
new style was mainly developed by O. Wagner. He had initially 
experimented with  Jugendstil and consequently developed a style 
characterised by clear forms (Postal Savings Bank in Vienna). As a 
teacher, he had a strong influence on a number of leading architects 
(J. M. Olbrich, J. Hoffmann, J. Plečnik). After 1900 a 
specifically Viennese style developed, which focused on geometrical 
form with sparingly used decoration. The generation of Wagner's 
students chiefly determined the architecture of Vienna´s council 
houses constructed in the time between the two World Wars, which 
sometimes exhibited regional characteristics and sometimes indulged in 
a somewhat pompous language of form. These council houses were 
exemplary on an international scale because they were equipped with 
facilities such as laundries, kindergartens, libraries, etc. A. Loos 
gained world renown for his architectural work, and even more for his 
publications. He considered building an activity determined by 
cultural and historical factors. In his view, ornamentation had become 
useless as a consequence of the progress of culture. Architects under 
his influence working abroad (J. Frank, R. Neutra, E. A. 
Plischke) played a major role in the development of the International 
Style, while in Austria the aim was to create a national style that 
would integrate Alpine traditions (C. Holzmeister, L. Welzenbacher). 
After World War II, architects strove to bring Austrian architecture 
in line with international developments (R. Rainer, K. Schwanzer). In 
recent times Graz has developed into an architectural centre (G. 
Domenig) next to Vienna (H. Hollein, W. Holzbauer, G. Peichl, Coop 
Himmelblau), while an independent tradition mainly focussing on 
favourably priced wood constructions in domestic architecture has 
gained ground in the province of Vorarlberg.

Oesterr. Kunsttopographie, 1907ff.; Dehio-handbook 
Kunstdenkmaeler Oesterr., 1933ff.; W. Buchowiecki, Die gotischen 
Kirchen Oesterreichs, 1952; R. Wagner-Rieger (ed.), Die Wiener 
Ringstrasse, 11 vols., 1967-1981; R. Wagner-Rieger, Wiens 
Architektur im 19. Jahrhundert, 1970; F. Achleitner, Oesterr. 
Architektur im 20. Jahrhundert, 4 vols., 1980ff.; G. Brucher, 
Barockarchitektur in Oesterreich, 1983; idem, Gotische Baukunst in 
Oesterreich, 1990.

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