!!!Brand, Johann Christian

b. Vienna, March 6, 1722, 
d. Vienna, June 12, 1795, painter; son of Christian Hilfgott  Brand, 
brother of Friedrich August  Brand. Studied at the Vienna Academy from 
1736; awarded the titles Kammermaler* in 1766 and "Professor of 
Landscape Drawing" in 1772. His landscape paintings marked the 
transition from the baroque to the 19th century style of landscape 

Works in Laxenburg Castle, Oesterreichische Galerie in Belvedere 
Palace, Vienna Historical Museum, Museum of Military History, National 
Gallery Prague, Goettweig, Klosterneuburg, Museum at the 
Schottenstift, Liechtenstein and Harrach galleries.

S. Hofstaetter, J. C. B. 1722-1795, doctoral thesis, 
Vienna 1973; P. Poetschner, Wien und die Wr. Landschaft, 1978; NDB.

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