!!!Brassicanus, Johannes Ludwig

b. Tuebingen (Germany), 1509, 
d. Vienna, June 3, 1549, humanist, Neo-Latin poet; brother of Johannes 
Alexander  Brassicanus, with whom he came to Vienna in 1524. 1537 
professor of the pandects, 1538 professor of canon law at the 
University of Vienna, 1548 councillor of Queen Maria of Hungary; like 
his brother wrote occasional poems for the Habsburgs, for example a 
triumphal song about the victory of Karl V over the Schmalkaldic 
League (Paean lyricus de victoria Caroli Augusti, in: Delitiae 
Poetarum Germanorum, vol. 1, 1612).

!Further works
Phoenix sive luctus Austriae ob mortem incomparabilis heroinae 
d. Anna (Oe) reginae, 1547 (mourning poem).

H. Wiegand, Hodoeporica, 1984.

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