!!!Bronner, Gerhard

b. Vienna, Oct. 23, 1922, composer and revue artiste, father of Oscar  
Bronner, left Austria for Palestine in 1938 returning to Vienna after 
World War II. Comedy shows ("Blattl vor´m Mund", "Glasl 
vor´m Aug", "Dachl ueber´m Kopf", "Hackl im Kreuz") with 
M. Kehlmann, H. Qualtinger, C. Merz, G. Kreisler, L. Martini and P. 
Wehle 19501961. Manager of several theatres in the 1950s (including 
the Theater am Kaerntnertor). 1979-1988 manager of the "Fledermaus" 
and the radio comedy show "Guglhupf".

Songs: Der Wilde mit seiner Maschin´; Der 
g´schupfte Ferdl; Der Papa wird´s schon richten; and many 
others. - Viennese version of the musicals "My Fair Lady" (1969) and 
"Anatevka". - Translation of E. Kishon's "Abraham kann nichts dafuer", 
1984. - Kein Blattl vor´m Mund, 1992; Die goldene Zeit des Wr. 
Cabaretts. Anekdoten, Texte, Erinnerungen, 1995; Traenen gelacht. Der 
juedische Humor, 1999.

G. Promitzer, Das Kabarett im Spiegel einer Dekade 
1951-1961, 1991.

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