
Bread, food staple whose important role finds its expression in sacred 
lore and in an "agro-romantic" ideology (K. H.  Waggerl and his 
novel "Brot") which has existed for a long time. Along with the 
technical aspects of producing farm-baked bread, which was made on 
every farm in the past, folklorists have a keen interest in the 
traditional aspects of bread. On particular occasions various kinds of 
bread with different decorations and shapes ("Gebildbrote") are baked: 
"Allerseelen-Brot" (All Souls Bread) and "Himmelsleiter" (Jacob's 
ladder bread) in Upper Austria, dried pear bread and Peregrinikipferl 
(special croissants) in Vienna, a long plaited bun named after St. 
Agatha ("Agathenstriezel") in Carinthia,  Krapfen).

Along with industrially produced bread, home baked bread is becoming 
more and more popular in the line with the rise in ecological 
awareness. For this reason, the bread industry has been offering 
different kinds of farm-baked and biological bread. A tradition which 
is no longer upheld was the so-called "Stoerbacken": the dough was 
prepared at home and then taken to a bakery where the bread was 

In 1993 the Austrian bread industry produced 107,000 tons of 
bread, baked goods and pastries. The 20 largest businesses employ 
together more than 3,000 people. Austria has 2,600 industrial bakeries 
where 23,000 employees produce 80 % of all baked goods.

A. Gamerith, Herkunft und Herstellung des baeuerlichen 
Haus-Brots, in: Oesterreichischer Volkskundeatlas, 2%%sup nd/% 
 instalment, 1965; E. Burgstaller, Brauchtumsgebaeck und 
Weihnachtsspeisen, 1957; idem, Das Allerseelen-Brot, 1970; F. Binder 
et al., Die Brot-Nahrung. Auswahlbibliographie zu ihrer Geschichte und 
Bedeutung, 3 parts, 1973-1986; B. and S. de Rachewiltz, Tiroler 
Brot mit Rezepten zum Selberbacken, %%sup 2/%1984.

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