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unbekannter Gast

Calaminus eigentlich Georg Roericht#

b. Srebrnik, Poland, April 23, 1547, d. Linz (Upper Austria), Dec. 11, 1595, playwright, teacher, set up a theatre at the Linz School of Estates in 1578 and was crowned poet laureate in Vienna on March 8, 1595. Poems of great formal mastery, inspiring teacher.


Latin Christmas pantomime, 1578; translation of Euripides´ "Phoenician Women"; Helis, 1591; Rudolphus und Ottokarus, 1594 (dramatic poetry); lyric poetry. - Edition: Saemtliche Werke, ed. by R. Hinterndorfer, 1995ff.


NDB; H. Slaby, G. C., doctoral thesis, Vienna 1955.