!!!Christlichsoziale Bewegung

Christian Socialist Movement: At the beginning of the 19%%sup th/%  
century first signs of the Christian Socialist movement emerged in 
Austria, especially in Vienna, with the Romantic "Vienna circle" 
around Clemens Maria  Hofbauer. In 1848, the year of the Revolution, 
S. Brunner (with his "Wiener Kirchenzeitung", Vienna church magazine, 
forerunner of the Catholic press), A. Guenther, J. E. Veith, 
C. von Hock, W. Gaertner and J. M. Haeusle established a 
Christian Democrat "Catholic Association", which was governed by 
laymen. Even though, after the suppression of the Revolution and due 
to the Concordat of 1855, these young forces had again to give way to 
the Catholic conservatism of the nobility and church, they finally 
became the protagonists of the Christian Socialist movement.

In 1852 the Viennese Cardinal A.  Gruscha set up journeymen´s 
societies along the lines of the German Kolping associations. 
Kosegarten planned workers' representations and health insurance 
systems for Catholic workers. In 1887 L. Psenner and A. Latschka 
founded the Christian Social Association; shortly before that, the 
United Christians´ partnership of convenience had emerged, in 
which F. Piffl, F. Stauracz, Ae. Schoepfer, A. Opitz along with K. 
Lueger and Prince A.  Liechtenstein advocated the ideas of a Christian 
social reform. Baron K. von  Vogelsang, spiritual father of the 
movement, gave it its ideological principles. Among the supporters of 
his ideas were R. Mayer, Count R. Belcredi, A. Gessmann, Prince 
A. von Liechtenstein and K. Lueger, who came from the "Austrian 
Reformatory Association" (Oesterreichischer Reformverein) founded by 
A. Schneider and Zerboni. Several social laws from the 1880s were the 
result of the activities of these men (e.g. protection of workers 
laws, industrial inspectorates). Vogelsang and Liechtenstein became 
the founders and spiritual leaders of the "Free Association of 
Catholic Social Politicians", one of the centres of Christian social 

The movement was further consolidated by the "General Austrian 
Catholic Rally" in Vienna (1889) and the social encyclical "Rerum 
novarum" ("Of New Things",1891) issued by Pope Leo XIII. In the 
confederate association of manual workers Father H.  Abel fought for 
better co-operation between masters and journeymen. During these years 
the individual groups of the Christian Socialist movement, the "United 
Christians", the "Democrats", the "Industrial Reformers", the 
"Christian Socialists", the "Catholic Conservatives", gradually came 
closer to each other. The last decade of the 19%%sup th/%  century was 
decisive for the political success of the Christian Socialist 
movement. 1892 L.  Kunschak founded the Christian Social Labour 
Association, one year later the various groups were merged in the  
Christian Social Party led by  Lueger. In 1894, on the initiative of 
F. M. Schindler, the first course in social politics was held in 
the Leo Society in Vienna. Like the party´s legendary 
"Entenabende" (duck evenings), these courses became the intellectual 
centres of the new Christian Socialist movement, the further 
development of which, however, was more and more intimately related 
with party politics, in which the conservative clergy along with the 
bourgeoisie, the farmers and entrepreneurs increasingly gained 
control. As a consequence Anton  Orel, whose "Austrian Association of 
Working Young People" (founded 1905; from 1901 "Association of Young 
Austrian Christians") represented a Christian anti-capitalist youth 
movement in the spirit of K. von Vogelsang, had to resign from 
the party together with his followers; moreover, L. Kunschak had 
already created a counter-organisation, the "Imperial Federation of 
Young Christian Workers.

After World War I, A. Orel´s new "Vienna movement" aimed at a 
radical reduction of bourgeois influence on church and political life, 
as was characteristic of the beginning of the Christian Socialist 
movement. Further important protagonists of the Vienna movement were 
E. K. Winter, K. Lugmayer, J. Eberle and also O. Spann. The 
Vienna movement brought together diverse schools of thought which, in 
1925, eventually led to the manifesto "Doctrines and Orders of the 
Church concerning contemporary social issues", prepared by S. Waitz 
and Johannes Messner and completed by the Vienna Catholic Social 
Assembly in 1929. Between 1934-1938 the corporate state deepened the 
gap between the "bourgeoisie" and the Christian Social workers.

After 1945 the basis of the Christian Socialist movement was the 
social pastoral letter of 1957, issued by the Austrian bishops. From 
1954 the Institute for Social Politics and Social Reform organized 
"Vienna Social Weeks". Today´s centre of the Christian Socialist 
movement is the Catholic Social Academy, which works out concepts for 
campaigns and organises events.

Das christlich-soziale Programm. Mit Erlaeuterungen von R. 
Schmitz, 1932; A. Fuchs, Geistige Stroemungen in Oesterreich 
1867-1918, 1919; L. Kunschak, 45 Jahre Christlich-sozialer 
Arbeiterverein, 1937; G. Schmitz, Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der 
christlich-sozialen Volksbewegung in Oberoesterreich (1875-91), 
doctoral thesis, Vienna 1938; H. Mueller, Sozialpolitik und 
christlich-soziale Bewegung, doctoral thesis, Vienna 1947; F. Funder, 
Vom Gestern ins Heute, 1952; Aufbruch zur christlichen Sozialreform, 
1953; W. Bredendieck, Christliche Sozialreformer des 19. Jahrhunderts, 
1953; A. Diamant, Die oesterreichischen Katholiken und die 
1. Republik, 1960; E. Weinzierl, Die Katholische Kirche, in: E. 
Weinzierl and K. Skalnik, Die 2. Republik, vol. 2, 1972; 
J. W. Boyer, Political radicalism in late imperial Vienna, 1981; 
E. Weinzierl, Kirche seit 1980, in: E. Froeschl, 15 Jahre, die 
Oesterreich veraendert haben, 1986; E. Weinzierl, Pruefstand. 
Oesterreichische Katholiken und der Nationalsozialismus, 1988.

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