!!!Collin, Matthäus von

b. Vienna, March 3, 1779, 
d. Vienna, Nov. 23, 1824, dramatist and poet, brother of Heinrich 
Joseph von  Collin, professor of aesthetics and history of philosophy 
in Krakow and Vienna, tutor to the Duke of Reichstadt (1816), 
1816-1818 editor of the "Wiener Allgemeine Literaturzeitung" newspaper 
and the "Jahrbuecher der Litteratur" (1818-1821); his essays on 
literature ("Ueber das histor. Schauspiel", 1812) are considered the 
beginning of German studies in Austria.

Dramat. Dichtungen, 4 vols., 1813-1817 (mainly topics related 
to Austrian History, Babenberg Series); posthumous poems ed. by 
J. v. Hammer, 2 vols., 1827.

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