!!!Deferegger Gebirge

Defereggen Mountains, part of the Central Alps in East Tyrol, composed 
of the northern crest, also called Panargenkamm crest, between the 
Virgen valley and Defereggen valley, with numerous peaks higher than 
3,000 m above sea level (Panargenspitze, alt. 3,117 m; Keesegg, 
alt. 3,173 m; Lasoerling, alt. 3,098 m; Grossschober, alt. 
3,054 m; Seespitze, alt. 3,021 m), and the southern crest, 
also called Villgrat mountains, between the Defereggen valley and Drau 
valley, with Weisse Spitze peak (alt. 2,962 m), Grosses Degenhorn 
peak (alt. 2,946 m) and Hochgrabe peak (alt. 2,951 m).

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