!!!Dietrichstein, Moritz Joseph Johann Fürst

Dietrichstein, Prince Moritz Joseph Johann, b. Vienna, Feb. 19, 
1775, d. Vienna, Aug. 27, 1864. Musician and well-known 
personality in Viennese cultural life. Son of Karl Johann Prince von  
Dietrichstein Having served as an officer in his youth, from 1800 D. 
turned to science after imprisonment in France; 1815 High Court 
Steward and tutor of the Duke of  Reichstadt; 1819-1826 head of Court 
music and of the Court theatre 1821-1826; 1826-1845 Prefect of the 
Court Library; 1845-1848 High Treasurer and Intendant of the 
Hofburgtheater, 1833-1848 head of the Imperial coin and antique 
collections. D. composed songs, dance music and minuets.

W. Nemecek, M. D., doctoral thesis, Vienna 1953; 

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