
Gentian, Alpine plant (genera Gentiana and Gentianella) usually with 
blue or purple blossoms, contorted in the bud; it grows in valleys and 
up to a height of 3,000 m. Numerous types, e.g. stemless g. 
(locally known as "Gloggn", "Fingerhut", "Guggerschuh", "Schneller"), 
broad-leaved g., brevifoliate g. and round-leaved g., spring-blooming 
g. (locally known as "Himmelsbleaml" in Salzburg; "Schusternagele", 
"Krahschinkeln" in Tirol; "Guckernagerl" in Styria), dwarf g. (mainly 
in the Central Alps), snow g. (locally known as "Himmelstengel", 
"Kaelberschiss" and "Vergissmeinnid" in Lower Austria), Pannonian g., 
willow g. (also called "Gloeggelwurz", "Kloawurzen" in Tirol, 
"Kerzenwurz" in Styria), rough g. (purple or whitish), punctated g. 
(called "Enziwurzen" in Tirol), Tauernbluemerl (also "Saumnarbe", 
light blue or white, mainly in the Tauern mountains, hence the name, 
Tauern flower). - The roots of the yellow g. (grows mainly in the 
limestone areas in the west and south of Austria, up to 140 cm in 
height) are made into stomachic medicine or are fermented and 
distilled to produce "G.-Bitter" (schnaps).

All varieties of gentianella (the whole plant) and the small-flower g. 
(roots) are protected by law.

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