
Erzherzogshut (Archducal Crown), the crown of the Austrian Lands. It 
was donated by Archduke Maximilian III in 1616 and entrusted for 
safekeeping to the Abbey of Klosterneuburg, whence it was occasionally 
brought to Vienna for the ceremony of attornment, (the first time in 
1620, the last time in 1835). Another Erzherzogshut, preserved in 
Mariastein in Tirol, was made for the funeral ceremonies of Archduke 
Ferdinand II in 1595, on the model of the Austrian Erzherzogshut. 
Duke Ernst (d. 1424) of Styria also had a similar crown. Today it 
is exhibited in the Joanneum, the museum of the province of Styria. 
Another Archducal crown was made for the coronation of King 
Joseph II in 1764 in Frankfurt, but only the carcass of this 
crown has been preserved.

G. Kugler, Der oesterreichische Erzherzogshut und die 
Erbhuldigung, in: Der heilige Leopold, exhibition catalogue, 
Klosterneuburg 1985.

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