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Großdeutsche Volkspartei#

Grossdeutsche Volkspartei (Pan-German People's Party): following the elections of 1911, in 1918 there were 102 German-nationalist and German-liberal delegates to the "Provisional National Assembly for German-Austria" (along with 72 Christian Socialists and 42 Socialists); after the elections for a constitutional assembly for German-Austria in 1919, however, their number decreased to 26. In 1919 they formed themselves into the "Grossdeutsche Vereinigung" (Pan-German Association), without, at first, giving up their membership of different groups. On August 7 and 8, 1920, these groups were turned into the "Pan-German People's Party", a party of notabilities whose members were largely high-ranking officials and teachers at secondary schools. They insisted on the union with Germany (Weimar Republic), opposed materialism and clericalism and were largely anti-Semitic. From 1921-1932 the Pan-German People´s Party was in government (mostly in coalition with the Christian Socialists), and from 1922-1927 the vice chancellor came from its own ranks (F. Dinghofer, H. Schuerff, L. Waber, J. Straffner), also J. Schober sympathised with the Pan-German People´s Party. After 1927 many supporters joined the Heimwehr (paramilitary force), and after 1930 an increasing number of members changed over to the National Socialists. As from May 15, 1933, the Pan-German People´s Party acted in conjunction with the Nazis.


I. Ackerl, Die Grossdeutsche Volkspartei 1920-1934, doctoral thesis, Vienna 1967.