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Hall, Stadt#

Hall in Tirol, Tirol, town in the district of Innsbruck-Land, alt. 574 m, pop. 12,368, area 5.54 km2, former salt-mining town on the River Inn, 10 km east of Innsbruck; 1938-1974 known under the name of Solbad Hall, since 1975 Hall in Tirol. District court, rural police provincial headquarters, centre of industrial medicine, hospital, rehabilitation centre for autistic children; local health and social insurance office, Lebenshilfe welfare organisation, Speckbacher-Kaserne and Straub-Kaserne barracks, district forest inspectorate, mining museum (presentation of salt mining, mineralogical collection), art hall (in the former saltern building), centre of the Kolpingwerk apprentice relief organisation, sports grounds, youth centre, Kleinvolderberg provincial home for young people; schools: Gymnasium der Franziskaner (denominational secondary school), 2 vocational schools, commercial college, private vocational school (Meisterschule) for opticians, Haushaltungsschule der Kreuzschwestern (denominational school for home economics), Krankenpflegeschule der Kreuzschwestern (denominational nursing college), Leopoldinum-Colleg der Franziskaner (denominational college), adult education centre, Maedcheninternat der Schulschwestern (denominational boarding school for girls); run-of-river power station Voldertal of the Hall in Tirol Gas and Electricity Board (built 1966, 31,000 MWh, municipality of Volders). - 7,656 employed persons in 1991, about 59 % work in the service sector (particularly personal, social and public services, commerce); manufacturing sector: metal-working industry (pipes, fittings, construction of turbines and machines), textile industry, plastics industry (plastic parts, sports goods), foods and luxury foods (tea, pasta, cheese and dairy products), wood-working industry (e.g. windows), natural and artificial stone manufacture, production of sun-blinds, wax products, large-scale building business, large-scale garage and car sales; tourism (56,885 overnight stays); "Tyrolean duty-free zone" (operating company with depot for goods not cleared through customs, in particular new cars). - Salt mining documented since the 13th century, 1303 first documented mention as town, commercial centre in the Middle Ages due to salt mining and navigation on the River Inn, 1477-1809 mint, 1967 salt mining discontinued. Completely preserved old part of town surrounded by former town moat; medieval upper town square with town hall (15th - 16th centuries), parish church and late-Gothic houses (15th - 16th  centuries) with oriels and round-arched portals; late-Gothic parish church, nave (until 1352) with choir (1312-1318), tower (1345), 1420-1437 extension, chapel of the Fieger family (1490), 1751/52 adapted in Baroque style (paintings by J. A. Moelk), Baroque high altar (mid-17th  century) with altarpiece by J. E. Quellinus (1657), marble figures (1751 and 1754) by C. Woerndle, Waldauf chapel (consecrated 1505) with wrought-iron grille; St. Magdalen chapel (14th century) in the cemetery with late-Gothic carved altar (around 1490), now war memorial chapel; early-Baroque All Saints church (1608); former Damenstift collegiate church (built 1567-1570), Renaissance building adapted in Baroque style, with Baroque finial on the tower (1681); monastery with Renaissance cloister and "Sommerhaus" chalet (1715/16); Franciscan monastery and church (built 1644, later alterations); convent of the Kreuzschwestern nuns (1910/11); convent and church of Salesian nuns with former manor house of Thurnfeld (1582); saltern chapel with ceiling frescoes by Moelk (1756); Hasegg Fortress (1482-1489, 1974-1977 renovated and converted into a cultural centre, town museum) with Muenzerturm tower (1489), the landmark of Hall in Tirol, and chapel (1515-1519); Thoeml castle; Scheidenstein, Breitenau and Reinegg manor houses, former manor house of Scheibenegg (1534-1630 centre of the glass industry).


H. Hochenegg, Kulturbilder aus Solbad Hall und Umgebung, 1979; Oesterr. Staedtebuch, vol. V, part 1, Die Staedte Tirols, 1980; F.-H. Hye, Hall in Tirol. Geschichte, Kunst, Stadtbild, 1983.