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unbekannter Gast

Herbst, Eduard#

b. Vienna, Dec. 9, 1820, d. Vienna, June 25, 1892, studied law; politician. 1847 university professor in Lvív (Ukraine) and from 1858 in Prague, from 1861 member of the Reichsrat and leader of the German liberals; as Minister of Justice in the so-called citizens' ministry (1868-1870) was in charge of the "May laws 1868". Member of the Reichsrat for many years, against the idea of equal rights for the Slavs and against the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Handbuch des allg. oe. Strafrechts, 2 vols., 1855; Die grundsaetzl. Entscheidungen des obersten Gerichtshofs, 3 vols., 1853-1860; Einleitung in das oe. Strafprozessrecht, 1860.
