
Leitha, River, Lower Austria, 180 km long tributary of River 
Danube, rises from junction of River Schwarza and River Pitten near 
Lanzenkirchen (302 m); most parts are of average water quality, 
levels II- III. The River Leitha flows along the eastern border of the 
Vienna Basin, passes Wiener Neustadt (265 m), Bruck an der 
Leitha (157 m) and the Hundsheimer Berge Hills in the north; some 
parts of it form the border between Lower Austria and Burgenland; the 
river leaves Austrian territory north of Nickelsdorf (144 m) and 
empties into the Danube as the Lajta in Hungary. The average water 
flow amounts up to 8 m%%sup 3/%/sec. near Nickelsdorf. The River 
Leitha was the border between the two parts of the Habsburg monarchy 
known as Cisleithania and Transleithania.

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