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Mauracher, Orgelbauerfamilie#

Mauracher, Austrian family of organ builders. The family split into two lines; the earliest evidence for the older line comes from Kapfing im Zillertal (Tyrol) from around 1720. The family continued the tradition of organ building over many generations and worked in all parts of Austria, combining their artisan tradition with technological progress. In 1860, they settled in Salzburg, where they built organs for the Kollegienkirche and renovated the organ of the Cathedral. Other famous organs built by the M. family are in Kremsmuenster monastery, St. Florian (renovated organ), Seckau monastery, Steyr (parish church), Bad Ischl and in Vienna (Maria am Gestade, Lazaristenkirche). Their workshop closed down in 1955.


O. Eberstaller, Orgeln und Orgelbauer in Oe., 1955.