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unbekannter Gast

Meister des Wiener Schottenaltars auch Schottenmeister#

Meister des Wiener Schottenaltars (also: Schottenmeister), painter. Most important representative of Viennese painting in the third quarter of the 15th century (strong Dutch influence). Named after the former high altar at the Schottenkirche in Vienna (1469-1475), which, however, was not created by one artist alone. Of the original 24 panels of the altar, 21 have been preserved in the Schottenstift monastery and in the Oesterreichische Galerie Belvedere in Vienna. He is famous for his detailed depictions of nature and the topographical precision of his background landscapes (vedutas of Vienna and Krems).


F. Grossmann, Der Schottenaltar - Stellung in der Wr. Malerei der Spaetgotik, doctoral thesis, Vienna 1930; Friedrich III., exhibition catalogue, Wr. Neustadt 1966; E. Baum, Kat. des Museums ma. oe. Kunst, 1971; C. Reiter, Mus. im Schottenstift, catalogue, Vienna 1994.