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unbekannter Gast


Prutz, Tirol, municipality in the district of Landeck, alt. 866 m, pop. 1,444, area 9.74 km2, bi-seasonal tourist resort (80,108 overnight stays in 1992), situated in Oberes Gericht where the Kaun Valley joins the Oberinn Valley. - Kaun Valley storage power station (built in 1964, 392 MW; water supply provided by a pressurised gallery leading from the Gepatsch Dam); wood processing industry. - First documented mention in 1028; late Gothic parish church (redesigned in Baroque style in the 17th century) with Romanesque south tower and St. Anthony´s Chapel (altar around 1676); St. John´s Chapel with Gothic frescoes (around 1330) in the cemetery; fortified castles ("Turm im Felde", "Turm in der Breite"). North of Prutz is the Pontlatz Bridge.