
Sattnitz, Carinthia, forested hill country in the southern Klagenfurt 
basin between Lake Woerth and the Glanfurt-Glan-Gurk flatlands in the 
north and the Rosental valley of the river Drau/Drava in the south 
(with the Feistritz and Ferlach reservoirs); developed on old layers 
of shale, slate and gravel from the Drau Glacier of the Ice Age. 
Sattnitz is divided into an eastern and a western part by the 
Klagenfurt-Rosental valley, which contains roads and railways. The 
western part is in turn divided by the longitudinal Keutsch valley 
into a northern part (cutting into the prominent  Pyramidenkogel 
Mountain south of Maria Woerth 850 m) and a more elevated 
southern part with extensive forests and steep, partially rocky slopes 
(Dobreiner Wand, 924 m). In addition to Lake  Keutschach, the 
landscape has numerous small lakes and ponds, some overgrown with 
reeds. Sattnitz was inhabited as far back as the Stone Age 
(archaeological finds of pile foundation dwellings) and belongs to the 
Slovene mixed-language area. Important settlements located in the 
Sattnitz region are: Augsdorf, Schiefling, Ludmannsdorf (Bilcovs), 
Keutschach, Koettmannsdorf, Maria Rain.

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