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Viertel, Unterteilung#

Viertel (literally: "Quarter"): The division of lands for purposes of defence organisation was common in Austria from the 13th century. Lower Austria was organised in "Viertels" in the 15th century for defence against the Hussites. District offices (Kreisaemter) were established during the 18th century, Kreisgericht court districts in the 19th century. In the 20th century, the constituencies (voting districts) for parliamentary elections were organised on the basis of the Viertel division. This organisation does not possess legal relevance, yet Viertel division is still common in Lower Austria (Waldviertel, Weinviertel, Mostviertel and Industrieviertel regions) and in Upper Austria (Muehlviertel, Innviertel, Hausruckviertel and Traunviertel regions).