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Heinz Dreher#


Prof Dr Heinz V Dreher
BSc, DipEd, PGradDip(Curric&EdTech), MEd, PhD, MAIS, FMISI
11th January 2014
Perth, Western Australia

Heinz Dreher is Adjunct Professor for Computer Science at Graz University of Technology, Austria, and Adjunct Research Professor at Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. He retired in February 2013 as Professor of Informatics in the School of Information Systems after 37 years at Curtin University.

After completion of BSc in 1969 at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, he was computer programmer for the Imperial Chemical Industries group before moving into the tertiary education sector with a brief appointment at Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne, as Senior Tutor in Electronic Data Processing before moving to the West in 1976.

For his first 25 years at the Western Australian Institute of Technology, transformed into Curtin University of Technology in 1987, he concentrated on teaching computing related subjects at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. During the 1970s and 1980s he ran short courses for business and industry during the academic recesses. In the 1990s he also taught at the campuses of the numerous offshore partners of the Curtin Business School, on a visiting basis.

With the arrival of the new century Heinz Dreher became highly active in the research of Information Systems issues in education, business, and the oil & gas industry, disseminating this work through conferences, journals, books, invited talks and seminars.

Funded research projects include Automated Essay Grading technology development, eLearning, and hypertext and hypermedia based systems in training and business scenarios.

He is an accomplished teacher, receiving awards for his work in cross-cultural awareness and course design.

Dr Dreher has a Masters degree in educational technology that focused on the question of how children learn and solve problems in a computer culture – one that is rich in computing devices and experiences. His PhD research was multi-disciplinary spanning Cognitive Science, Psychology, Educational Technology, and Information Systems, and dealt with performance support systems for knowledge workers, exploring what Information Technology systems support can be provided for the knowledge generation activities of research workers.

In his retirement he lives an exciting life as traveller, adventurer, and Australian Outback specialist.

Research Interests

Semantic Analysis, Text Mining, Conceptual Searching, Automated Assessment Systems, Automated Essay Grading, Science & Technology of Learning, E-Learning, Virtual Worlds, Digital Ecosystems, Mobile & Pervasive Computing, Educational Design and Evaluation, Hypermedia and Hypertext, Qualitative Research.

Professional Memberships

AIS – Member of the Association of Information Systems www.aisnet.org ISI – Foundation Member of the Informing Science Institute www.informingscience.us

Honorary Appointments

Adjunct Professor for Computer Science at Technische Universität Graz, Austria Adjunct Research Professor, School of Information Systems, Curtin University, Perth, Australia


Member of numerous Editorial Boards and Conference Committees, obtained a number of substantial grants, published widely, supervised students on all levels, and much more. Full details here!

Contributions to Global-Geography.org#

Heinz Dreher has contributed large picture stories to global-geography.org such as:

Picture stories#