!!!Joe Luca

[{Image src='Luca.jpg' caption='' alt='Dean of Graduate Research' width='300' class='image_left' height='242' popup='false'}] Professor Joe Luca is Dean of the [Graduate Research School|http://www.ecu.edu.au/centres/graduate-research-school/overview] of Edith Cowan University, Perth [{GoogleMap location='2 Bradford Street, Mount Lawley, Perth',,, zoom='15'}], Australia

__Dean’s welcome__

ECU has high quality researchers working in a vibrant research culture at the cutting edge of their fields. At the Graduate Research School our role is to provide a supportive and encouraging environment for research students and their supervisors to ensure they can produce exceptional results.

We provide services to enhance the research experience, including an extensive program of training workshops and seminars, academic resources, social and networking opportunities and peer-to-peer support through our SOAR Centres.

Behind the scenes, we provide leadership in the development of policy and procedures to support research programs. We also support the quality of research supervision through standards monitoring and supervisor training.

The School actively promotes initiatives that aim to bridge the gap between research findings and the potential for those findings to have an impact. For research to have practical applications in the real world, an ability to translate and communicate your research is a key element. Consequently we encourage our students to participate in the 3 Minute Thesis competition, Translational Research Seminars and ‘Communicating your Research’ workshops.

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Finally, undertaking research is not only about developing research skills. A critical part of being a great researcher is being able to develop professional skills, to shape your career plan and build a network of peers amongst research staff, visiting scholars and other candidates. I encourage you to consider the exciting and extensive academic, training and social activities on offer at ECU for research students, as these will become a valuable component of your research journey.

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