!!!Did you know this about Central African Republic?
Did you know that Central African Republic is very low in ranking among 193 countries in the following 14 respects.
#Lowest Point - meter: 335.0 (Rank 183).
#Irrigated Land - sq km: 1.35 (Rank 168).
#Freshwater withdrawal per capita - cu km/yr: 17.42 (Rank 163).
#Education expenditures - % of GDP: 1.2 (Rank 163).
#Life expectancy at birth - years: 51.35 (Rank 186).
#GDP per capita - : 700.0 (Rank 188).
#Internet hosts - : 20.0 (Rank 184).
#Telephones - main lines in use - : 5,600 (Rank 186).
#Electricity - production per capita - KWh: 30.31 (Rank 180).
#Electricity - consumption per capita - KWh: 28.19 (Rank 182).
#Exports per capita - $: 26.32 (Rank 188).
#Imports per capita - $: 41.42 (Rank 191).
#% Internet users - : 0.43 (Rank 184).
#Telephones - mobile cellular per capita - : 0.2 (Rank 185).