
!!!Hill Enclosure Great Zimbabwe

[{Image src='B076_Hill_Enclosure_Great_Zimbabwe_Hill_Enclosure_Great_Zimbabwe.jpg' caption='Hill Enclosure Great Zimbabwe, July 2012, © [Gerhard Huber|Geography/About/Consortium/Huber,_Gerhard]' alt='Hill Enclosure Great Zimbabwe' class='image_left' width='900' height='599'}]

High up in the rocks, next to the south wall of the royal palace, there is a narrow ledge. Nobody knows what it was for. But there is an interesting theory. Perhaps it served as a kind of natural telephone into the valley. That is to say, the voice was amplified in such an extent that it rang out several hundred yards, as far as the so-called "Great Enclosure".

Hoch oben im Felsen liegt an der Südmauer des Königspalastes ein schmaler Felsvorsprung. Wozu er diente, weiß niemand. Aber es gibt eine interessante Theorie. Vielleicht war er eine Art natürliches Telefon ins Tal. Die Stimme wird nämlich so verstärkt, dass sie in der mehrere hundert Meter entfernten sogenannten „Great Enclosure“ gut zu verstehen war.

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