
!!!Volcanoes in Guatemala 

[{Image src='180gt.jpg' width='800' height='440' caption='Image courtesy of NASA/Stu Broce. ' alt='Volcanoes in Guatemala ' class='image_left'}]
[{SET customtitle='Volcanoes in Guatemala '}]
This photo of volcanoes in Guatemala was taken during a NASA radar imaging mission over Central and South America. The conical volcano in the center is "Volcan de Agua." The two volcanoes behind it are, right to left, "Volcan de Fuego" and "Acatenango." "Volcan de Pacaya" is in the foreground. 

The volcanoes of Central and South America are of interest because of the hazard they pose to nearby population centers. Research focuses on gathering volcano deformation measurements, with many flight lines being repeats from previous deployments. Surface deformation often precedes other signs of renewed volcanic activity.