
!!!Museo Larco Herrera in Lima

[{Image src='699A-lima-museo-larco-herrera.jpg' caption='Museo Larco Herrera in Lima\\© [Bernd Mader|Infos_zum_AF/Editorial_Board/Mader,_Professor_Mag._Dr_Bernd_(Pharmazie,_Volkskunde)], 2014' alt='Museo Larco Herrera in Lima' width='900' height='675' class='image_left'}]

Founded in 1926, the Larco Herrera Museum is located in a mansion of the 18th century built over a 7th century pre-Columbian pyramid and surrounded by beautiful gardens.

It provides an excellent overview on 3000 years of development of Peruvian pre-Columbian history and features the finest gold and silver collection from Ancient Peru and a famous erotic archaeological collection.

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