!!!The sky and the light over Tibet


''All pictures in the following collection were taken by G. Jontes in the years 1991, 1993, 1995, 1999 and 2000. They are part of the archive "Pictureflood Jonres" and have been made available to Global-Geography.org.''

For an [introduction please see "The sky and the light over Tibet"|Geography/Asia/China/Special_Information/The_sky_and_light_over_Tibet] but to get a bit of an idea maybe this helps:

The follwowing collection of pictures presents an unusual view of Tibet: Not the religion, the monasteries the individual people the history of the country are shown. But we look at many palces in Tibet with our head looking forward and up to understand how the coounry has formed and is formign its people. This level aof abstraction may well lead to a better understanding than showing many concrete bits and pieces. 


Der Himmel und das Licht über Tibet.

''Alle Bilder wurden vom Verfasser in den Jahren 1991, 1993, 1995, 1999 und 2000 aufgenommen und sind Teil des Archives „Bilderflut Jontes“ und weruden freundlicher Weise Global-Geography.org zur Verfügung gestellt.''

Bitte zuerst die [Einführung|Wissenssammlungen/Essays/Weltreisen/Der_Himmel_und_sein_Licht_über_Tibet] lesen, aber vielleicht helfen auch die folgenden Zeilen zum Verständnis:

In der folgenden Bildzusammenstellung geht es um einen neuen, ungewöhlichen Blick auf Tibet. Nicht auf die Religion, nicht auf die Klöster und die einzelnen Menschen, sondern auf das Land wie es die Menschen geformt hat und formt. Bilder, die einem Blick nach vorne und oben ensprechen und die aber gerade dadurch vielleicht einen tiefen Einblick ins Land erlauben.


[{Image src='01.jpg' caption='Lhasa with Potala' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='301'}]
[{Image src='03.jpg' caption='Potala' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='333'}]
[{Image src='04.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='308'}]
[{Image src='05.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='302'}]
[{Image src='06.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='300'}]
[{Image src='07.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='297'}]
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[{Image src='13.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='306'}]
[{Image src='14.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='305'}]
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[{Image src='17.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='305'}]
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[{Image src='21.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='301'}]
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[{Image src='23.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='307'}]
[{Image src='24.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='327'}]
[{Image src='25.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='334'}]
[{Image src='26.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='305'}]
[{Image src='27.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='305'}]
[{Image src='28.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='308'}]
[{Image src='29.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='308'}]
[{Image src='30.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='307'}]
[{Image src='31.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='302'}]
[{Image src='32.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='305'}]
[{Image src='33.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='302'}]
[{Image src='34.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='305'}]
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[{Image src='36.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='303'}]
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[{Image src='41.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='306'}]
[{Image src='42.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='305'}]
[{Image src='43.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='305'}]
[{Image src='44.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='329'}]
[{Image src='11.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='139'}]
[{Image src='45.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='329'}]
[{Image src='46.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='131'}]
[{Image src='47.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='308'}]
[{Image src='48.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='329'}]
[{Image src='49.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='304'}]
[{Image src='50.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='329'}]
[{Image src='51.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='329'}]
[{Image src='52.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='305'}]
[{Image src='53.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='309'}]
[{Image src='54.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='329'}]
[{Image src='55.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='308'}]
[{Image src='56.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='307'}]
[{Image src='57.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='133'}]
[{Image src='58.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='131'}]
[{Image src='59.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='305'}]
[{Image src='60.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='328'}]
[{Image src='61.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='311'}]
[{Image src='62.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='307'}]
[{Image src='63.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='300'}]
[{Image src='64.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='303'}]
[{Image src='65.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='303'}]
[{Image src='66.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='305'}]
[{Image src='67.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='302'}]
[{Image src='68.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='306'}]
[{Image src='69.jpg' caption='' alt='Tibet' height='200' class='image_block' width='329'}]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff=' Jontes' Kontrolle='Nein'}]