
!!!In Dashkin Kali: Sacrificial animals

[{Image src='447-dashkin-kali-opfertiere_Dashkin_Kali_sacrificial_animals.jpg' caption='Dashkin Kali sacrificial animals, March 2015, © [Bernd Mader|Infos_zum_AF/Editorial_Board/Mader,_Professor_Mag._Dr_Bernd_(Pharmazie,_Volkskunde)]' alt='Dashkin Kali sacrificial animals' class='image_left' width='900' height='675'}]

Dashkin Kali [{GoogleMap location='Dashkinkali, Nepal' zoom='13'}] is a village about 20km outside Kathmandu. 

Many Hindi sacrifice roosters and goats to please the goddess Kali (Hindu goddess associated with empowerment, time/change, preservation and destruction). 

This is done by cutting the throat of mostly male animals. The head stays as an offering and the other parts are prepared for a feast.

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