
!!!Date Souk in Deira

[{Image src='B067_Dattelsuq_Deira_Dattelsuq_Deira.jpg' caption='Date Souk in Deira, January 2011, © [Gerhard Huber|Geography/About/Consortium/Huber,_Gerhard]' alt='Date Souk in Deira' class='image_left' width='900' height='598'}]

Not far from the City of Gold a characteristic smell leads into the alley of the date-wholesalers. This nutritious fruit has always been considered as the "bread of the desert", as the most important nourishment and export good of the oasis dwellers.

Nicht weit entfernt führt ein charakteristischer Geruch in die Gasse der Dattel-Großhändler. Immer schon galt die nahrhafte Frucht als „Brot der Wüste“, als wichtigstes Nahrungs- und Exportgut der Oasenbewohner.

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Dattelsuq Deira'}]
[{SET customtitle='Date Souk in Deira (1)'}]