
!!!Lawn Hill National Park - Boodjamulla National Park [{GoogleMap location='Lawn Hill National Park, Lawn Hill, Queensland, Australien' zoom='10'}]

[{Image src='a380-Ghost-Gum.jpg' height='900' popup='false' width='675' caption='Ghost Gum, 2007\\Photo: H. Maurer' alt='Ghost gum' class='image_left'}]

%%lang,english There are many different varieties of eucalyptus trees. One of the most prominant is surely the white eucalyptus tree (Ghost Gum), because of its colour. %%

%%lang,german Eukalyptusbäume gibt es ja in vielen Varianten. Der weiße Eukalyptus (Ghost Gum) sticht durch seine Farbe besonders hervor. %%

[{Metadata Suchbegriff=' ' Kontrolle='Nein'}]
[{SET customtitle='Lawn Hill National Park (7)'}]