!!! Bulgaria
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''Most commercial and cultural activities are centered on the capital and largest city, Sofia.\\
The strongest sectors of the economy are heavy industry, power engineering, and agriculture, all of which rely on local natural resources.''

*Bulgaria has largest boundary with Romania which is approximately 608 km.
*Bulgaria has smallest boundary with Macedonia which is approximately 148 km.
*The largest river in Bulgaria is Danube which is 2850 km.
*There are 7 seaports in Bulgaria.
*The biggest export partner of Bulgaria is Germany.
*The biggest import partner of Bulgaria is Russia.
!!Surprising facts about Nobel Prize Winners
*Bulgaria has only 1 Nobel Prize winner Elias Canetti. (Counting winners if born in Bulgaria)

!!Tourist Attraction
[The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral stands near the center of Sofia.|http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/travel/countries/bulgaria-guide]
!!National Fruits
*Rose is the national flower of Bulgaria.

[{Image class='image_block' src='rose-693155_640.jpg' caption='Rose \\Foto source: [PixaBay|https://pixabay.com]' alt='' width='400' height='350'}]
#Text marked as italic is taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgaria unter [CC|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at]

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