

[{Image src='Burg-Hämeenlinna.jpg' caption='Häme castle, 2006\\© Elisabeth Ertl' alt='Hämeenlinna castle' width='900' height='673' class='image_left'}]\\

On the bank of the lake Vanajavesi, in Hämeenlinna, a medieval castle, called Häme Castle [{GoogleMap location='Hämeenlinnan kaupungin historiallinen museo, Kustaa III:n katu, Hämeenlinna, Finnland' zoom='12' }] can be visited. Originally the castle was located on an island. There are discussions and disputes about the age of the castle. Traditionally the construction of the castle has been connected to the legendary Second Swedish Crusade which would date the castle in the mid-13th century. However, there are no finds from the castle that can be firmly dated to a period earlier than 1320s.

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